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Children's Services Plan

Children’s services plans are important documents that explain how to support children and families in Moray. Here is an easy way to understand them:

  1. What are they?
    • They are like a big to-do list for helping children and families. The Children’s Services Plan itself is the description of how the Local Authority and Partner Agencies will work together to facilitate getting it right for every child and young person. Services provided are organised and equipped to deliver high-quality, joined-up, trauma-informed, responsive and, where possible, preventative support to children, young people and families.
  2. Who makes them?
    • People who work for the local authority and health board jointly prepare these plans in collaboration with other partner agencies. The plans are for a three-year period.
  3. What do they include?
    • How various services will work together to best safeguard, support and promote the wellbeing of all children and young people in Moray
    • They talk about what children and families need to be happy and healthy.
    • They set goals, like making sure all children go to school.
  4. How do they help?
    • By providing support to families who need it.
    • By making sure children are safe and cared for.
    • By offering activities and programs for kids to learn and have fun.

In short, children’s services plans are all about making sure children and families get the help and support they need to have a good life.

Click the link to see the Children’s Services Plan for Moray 2023 – 2026 Plan on a Page

Click the link to read the full Children’s Services Plan for Moray 2023 – 2026 Moray Children’s Services Plan 2023 – 26 “Our Promise to the Children of Moray

Local Priorities


  • Tackling Child Poverty
    • Parents receive all the welfare benefits they are entitled to without feeling judged when asking for support.
    • The effects of poverty on children, young people, and their families are reduced.
    • Young adults and parents face no poverty-related obstacles when trying to start or continue training and jobs.
  • Improving the mental and emotional wellbeing of children, young people and their families
    • Parents feel confident and capable of helping their child maintain good mental health.
    • Children, young people, and their parents can access the right mental health support as soon as they need it.
    • Community-based mental health support is improved.
    • Children, young people, and their parents have a smooth transition between support services, including the move to adult services.
  • Keeping children and young people safe
    • Workers feel confident and supported in identifying and understanding risks. Children and young people are safer because risks are spotted early.
    • Children, young people, and families are empowered to take part in child protection processes.
    • Children and young people build healthy relationships with friends, online, and in their community.
    • Children and young people at risk or in trouble with the law are treated with care and compassion
    • Children and young people receive support to heal and are protected from further trauma.
  • Strengthening Family Support
    • Children and their families get the help they need early through effective child’s planning.
    • Parents across Moray have access to clear, non-judgmental support and are encouraged to be the best they can be
    • Children have a smooth and positive transition into Nursery.
  • Overcoming challenges experienced by children with a disability or neurodiversity
    • Every child and young person gets the education and care they need, no matter what.
    • Parents and young people with neurodiversity can easily find early help and support and neurodiversity diagnosis quickly.
    • Children, young people, and families with extra support needs have better access to help, leisure activities, and community programs.
    • Transition to adult services is smooth


  • Improving outcomes for our looked after and care experienced children and young people
    • The educational gap for looked-after and care-experienced young people is reduced and the young people successfully continue education, training, or work after leaving school.
    • The health needs of looked-after children and young people are met and along with their families feel heard through independent advocacy.
    • The range of placements available meets the needs of children and young people in care.
    • Transitions are smooth and focused on maintaining important relationships and siblings are supported to keep strong, positive relationships with each other.
    • Children and young people seeking asylum are fully included in school and community life.
    • Looked-after and care-experienced young people are not overrepresented in the criminal justice system.
    • Our improvement efforts are guided by the voices of looked-after and care-experienced young people.


  • Working in Partnership
    • As a partnership, we are aware of the changing needs of children, young people and their families.
    • As a partnership, we maximise all opportunities to attract additional funding and work together to ensure it supports the delivery of our shared priorities.
    • The risk of silo working across children and adult services is minimised.
    • We more consistently and effectively measure impact of the actions we are taking to improve outcomes for children, young people and families.
    • The co-ordination of continuous improvement activity improves

Joint Strategic Needs Assessment

Click on the link to Moray Community Planning Board to see the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment for Moray: Moray Community Planning Board – Joint Strategic Needs Assessment

National GIRFEC Information


The promise exists so that children and young people in Scotland can grow up loved, safe, and respected.

The promise is based on the experiences of real people, because it aims to create a new way of care that puts those experiences at the centre.

And it’s also based on a large amount of data, research and evidence, so that this new system can work.

Click on the links below to read more: The Plan 24 – 30

Click here to read about the Promise – About the promise

Click the link to hear about the Promise: the promise scotland – what is the Promise?

The foundations of the promise are built on what care experienced people said needs to change in Scotland. Click on the link to read about the 5 Foundations: The 5 Foundations of the promise
