Support Available
It’s okay to need a bit of help at times and it’s a good idea to talk to your child’s school, nursery, health visitor or midwife for a bit of advice.
What support is available to me?
Across Moray there is a range of support designed to meet the unique needs of children, young people, and families. These services aim to promote well-being, development, and resilience, ensuring that everyone has access to the necessary resources and opportunities to thrive.
Click the links below for more information…
Financial Supports in Moray
Free School Meals and Clothing Grants – Moray Council
Financial Support – Moray Income Maximisation Team – Moray Community Foundation
Supports for Children, Young People & Families
Services for Everyone – Universal Services
The majority of children and young people make their journey from birth to adulthood supported by their family and universal services.
All children and young people from birth to 18 years have the offer of a named person who will be the first point of contact for a child or young person and their family if they have any wellbeing needs or concerns. The named person service is there as a support.
Before children start school the named person is usually their Health Visitor or Family Nurse. Health Visitors responsibilities include the named person role and function. Where there is a family nurse supporting a young mother, they should take on the role of the named person until the child is two years old, at which point the role should be assumed by the Health Visitor.
Universal Health Visiting Pathway in Scotland – Scot Gov
For school age children and young people, the named person is usually a teacher. This can be a Principal Teacher, Depute or Head teacher.
(Below are links to information leaflets from the Moray Council website)
Getting it right for every child in Moray – Primary Age
Getting it right for every child in Moray – Secondary Age
Some families might have access to more than one named person if they have several children of different ages. These named persons will work together to give support and meet the needs of the children, young people and family if needed.
For children and young people of school age, but not on a school roll, for example those who are home-educated, the local authority should identify a suitable named person, such as a local authority officer and inform the child or young person and family of the service and support available. For support for Home Educated children and young people you can email :
Click on the link below to read more.
Getting it right for every child in Moray – Home Educated
Click on the link below to read more information about the named person service for young people over the age of 16yrs.
Getting it right for every child in Moray – 16+
For additional information you can email: Moray Pathways
In Moray there are Wellbeing Co-ordinators who are available to speak with and provide information and guidance to professionals. They can also support children, young people, families and the Team Around the Child by attending Child’s Planning meetings.
To contact the Wellbeing Co-ordinators you can email :
Services for Everyone that come with Extra Assistance when Needed – Universal Services with Support
Sometimes children and young people may have a wellbeing need which cannot be fully met by the family or universal services but can be met through additional support within Universal Services.
For Health Services this could be help from the Community Nursery Nurse, or Speech Therapist or another Allied Health Professional.
For Education Services this could be help from the Pupil Support Assistant or Educational Psychologist.
Social Work Service
Should your child or young person be referred to our service a social worker will work with your child, you and other people supporting you. Our shared aim is to achieve improved wellbeing.
Getting it Right for Every Child (GIRFEC) is centred in our practice alongside the promotion of a rights-based approach, children and young people’s rights are defined in the United Nations Convention on Rights of a Child (UNCRC).
Our aim is to safeguard and promote the wellbeing of children, young people and families. It is our goal for parents to care for their children wherever possible, receiving the right support at the right time.
If you have an immediate concern for a child or young person and are worried about their safety, please contact the Police.
If you wish to contact social work in relation to a child our details are below:
How to Contact us:
- Children and Families Access Team: 01343 554370 (office hours Mon – Fri)
- In an emergency or Out of Hours: 03457 565656 (out with office hours)
ALISS – A Local Information System for Scotland | ALISS
ALISS is a national digital programme enabling people and professionals to find and share information on health and wellbeing resources, services, groups, and support in their local communities and online.
Other resources to think about are below:
- Services that provide support for managing long term conditions
- Groups that support social and community connection (e.g., local choirs, book groups, befriending)
- Activities that offer opportunities for getting more active and for getting outdoors (e.g., badminton clubs, community gardens)
- Practical, legal, and financial support (e.g., money advice, advocacy services)
- Digital technology that can support health and social care (e.g., online forums, health related mobile apps).
ALISS aims to ensure that everyone in Scotland has the right information, at the right time, about resources that are available to help them live well and stay connected to their community.
Guidance For Professionals
ALISS – A Local Information System for Scotland | ALISS
Link to Scot Gov for Whole Family Support information – Scottish Govt Whole Family Wellbeing Support
Locality Planning email contact:
Scottish Service Directory –
Scotland’s Service Directory | NHS inform
Wellbeing Co-ordinators – Email contact:
Other resources to think about are as follows:
- Youth Parliament –
- Advocacy – Moray Children’s Rights Service
- Local and National Mental Health supports, such as
- Financial Support – Moray Income Maximisation Team
- Moray Citizens Advice –
- Local and National Domestic Abuse Support –
- TSI Moray Community Map – About Moray Community Map – Moray Community Map